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When the Italian Cultural Institute in Edinburgh gave Infallible Productions Ltd. the assignment of optimizing the visibility of the Italian Companies participating to EdFringe 2013, its Director, Stefania Bochicchio, thought it was the perfect chance of implementing IMPATTO TOTALE a project she had previously thought of and which included all the things that she would have liked to be in place when she was on the other side of the fence as a PR and a producer.

This wish list is now a reality.


This overall branding clearly encompasses the enviable, award-winning, wide range of genres and offerings that the Italian Companies participating to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2013 edition are bringing to the biggest arts festival in the world.


With the precious assistance of our BIRRA MORETTI sponsorship deal, we are going to organize showcases and special events and, most important of all, we are going to entice you to see the many and varied shows that contemporary Italian Theatre has to offer.




      A Real Impact

 at the world's largest

       Arts Festival 

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